ERC20 | SPL | CW20 | Base implementation for creating tokens. |
ERC721 | Token Metadata Standard | CW721 | Base implementation for creating NFTs. |
PaymentSplitter | | cw-payment-splitter | Contract to split incoming payments between a number of addresses. |
Gnosis Safe | SPL Governance | CW3 | Contracts for making DAOs or managing multisigs. |
Proxy | Native upgrades | Native upgrades | Upgradable smart contracts. |
Multicall | | Multicall | Query multiple contracts in a single request. |
| merkle-distributor | cw20-merkle-airdrop | Contract to allow airdropping tokens to a large list of addresses. |
ENS (Ethereum Name Service) | Name service program | TNS (Terra Name Service) | Contracts for mapping string domains to on-chain addresses. |