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Coin and Coins

A Coin represents a single coin, which is a pair consisting of a denomination and an amount. Coins represents a collection of Coin objects, that many operators use to group tokens in one construct.

import { Coin, Coins } from '@terra-money/feather.js';
const c = new Coin('uluna', 1500000); // 1.5 LUNA
const c2 = new Coin('uluna', 3000000); // 3 LUNA
c.add(c2); // 4.5 LUNA
const cs = new Coins([c, c2]);
const cs2 = new Coins({ uluna: 12002, uluna: 12399 });
_9 => console.log(`${x.denom}: ${x.amount}`));

Coin / Coins input with decimal input will automatically be converted to a decimal Coin.

const c = new Coin('uluna', 123.3); // a DecCoin
const d = new Coin('uluna', '123.3'); // a DecCoin

Although it is convenient to represent the numbers through JavaScript's native Number format, you should refrain from doing so.